Friday, November 8, 2019

Essay Sample on Free and Fair Elections The Basic Standards

Essay Sample on Free and Fair Elections The Basic Standards Election is the process by which members in a given community or nation choose there leaders in democratic society, therefore such kind of an election should be free and fair to ensure that the leaders era acceptable to all members of the society therefore an election should give basic freedom to citizens in order to have full participation in the elector process example people should be around to join a political party of there choice without fear of intimidation, they should have access to political and elector information through civic education they should also have the right to vote secretly without coition or vote buying. Therefore fair elections must have a process which is impartial and satisfies the basic in the national standards. However, it within the process of free and fair elections that citizen express there will through the elected representatives, hence such leaders are expected to elected in a free and fair elections and can only to removed from the office through the same process, therefore a person who intimidates, corrupt and threatens the citizens before or after election becomes an enemy of democracy. Free and fair elections must be open to adults and the losers are expected to accept the results. The body conducting the election exercise must be impartial, transparent and able to enforce the elector rulers especially the elector code of conduct, all parties and candidates should be treated equally without discrimination or favorer as such gives the public trust and confident. the election body should ensure that all contestants or candidate offering themselves for elections should have equal opportunity especially in use of public resources during the complains. Its therefore important to note that the party in power will certainly enjoy certain advantages in fields of government resources use of existing administrative structures and use of public media in this regard such advantages should be checked and remitted to try and ensure that all interested parties in the political arena enjoy the same privileges. Finally its the responsibility of every voter to ensure that election is a success. Such can only be achieved when the election process is free from barebelly intimidation and violence hence, making it transparent, free, fair and credible election. To close-up being a Kenyan citizen which is currently under going a process of national election its my wish and great desire to see my county being a model of a county with free and fair elections.

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